Online Conversion Calculators by eBee
eBee's online conversion calculators offer a one-stop resource for many electronics industry calculations. Whether you are identifying a 4 band resistor or trying to determine battery life, eBee can help get the answers you need. eBee's calculators as a quick and easy-to-use resource and don't forget to bookmark the page for future use.
- Resistor Color Code Calculator
This tool is used to decode information for color banded axial lead resistors. Select the number of bands, then their colors to determine the value and tolerance of the resistors.
- Parallel and Series Resistor Calculator
Calculate the total series and parallel resistance of a circuit using the Parallel and Series Resistor calculator.
- Battery Life Calculator
The Battery life calculator uses battery capacity (mAh) and device consumption (mA) to calculate estimated hours of battery life.
- SMD Resistor Code Calculator
The surface mount resistor code calculator can be used to determine the resistance value of an SMD resistor using the markings found on the device. Choose the code format: three digit EIA, four digit EIA, or EIA-96. Then select the markings.
- Series and Parallel Capacitor Calculator
This tool calculates the overall capacitance value for multiple capacitors connected either in series or in parallel.
- Op-Amp Voltage and Gain Calculator
Op Amp Voltage and Gain Calculator is a great opamp calculation tool, which is used to calculate the output Voltage, Inverting Gain and Non-Inverting Gain for an operational Amplifier.
- Resistor Color Code Calculator
This tool is used to decode information for color banded axial lead resistors. Select the number of bands, then their colors to determine the value and tolerance of the resistors.